The Ultimate Downton Abbey Trivia Challenge
The Ultimate Downton Abbey Trivia Challenge
How well do you know "Downton Abbey"? Now is the time to find out!
How well do you know "Downton Abbey"? Now is the time to find out!

Which legendary actress guest starred on Downton Abbey as Lady Grantham’s mother Martha Levinson?
Where does former chauffer and Lady Sybil’s husband Tom Branson come from?
What is the real name of the historic building that plays Downton Abbey?
Who said, “Nothing succeeds like excess”?
What contains the poison that kills Vera Bates?
Who proposes to Daisy just before he’s killed during WWI?
What does Lady Grantham slip on as she’s getting out of the bath?
Who leaves Downton Abbey in the middle of the night to take a job elsewhere with the Crawleys’ cousins?
Where is the former prince from who tries to rekindle an old romance with the Dowager Countess?
Who said, “Sympathy butters no parsnips”?
Who shocks the family with what she wears down to dinner?
Who helped Lady Mary and Lady Grantham carry Mr. Pamuk’s body?
What possible job opportunity opens up for Lady Edith in London?
What illness is Mrs. Hughes afraid she’ll be diagnosed with at the beginning of season three?
What is Ethel’s son’s name?
Who says, “I‘m a useful spinster. Good at helping out. That is my role, and spinsters get up for breakfast”?
What song does Martha Levinson sing to the Dowager Countess?
Who takes and hides Lord Grantham’s evening shirts?
What does Alfred rescue with a single beaten egg?
Who mails the last letter Lavinia Swire sends to her father from her deathbed?
What does Lady Rose want Lord Grantham to buy for the house?
What disease is the Crawleys' dog, Isis, diagnosed with?
Who tells O’Brien that his father was a clockmaker?
Which country do Violet and Rosamund want to send Marigold to live at a school?
Who reluctantly tells John that Anna was raped?
What does the Dowager Countess become ill with during season 4?
Who is Mrs. Patmore scolding when she says, "Anyone with use of their limbs can make a Salmon Mousse"?
What wakes Lord and Lady Grantham up in the morning when they are staying in Duneagle with Lord and Lady Flintshire?
In season 3, who acts drunk and unruly during dinner after his drink in spiked by Larry Gray?
What does Mrs. Hughes find in John Bates’ overcoat pocket?
What does Mrs. Hughes buy for herself as a treat in season 3?
What does Miss O’Brien do to Mr. Bates as the Duke of Crowborough arrives to Downton Abbey?
Who is Lord Grantham’s sister?
Who said, “At my age, one must ration one’s excitement”?
What does Lord Gillingham ask Mary to do after she discovers he followed her back to Downton from London?
Where does O’Brien go to work for Lord and Lady Flintshire?
Who takes over making the dill sauce when Mrs. Patmore has an anxiety attack in season 4?
Before he marries into the Crawley family, what does chauffeur Tom Branson call himself?
Who does Sir Anthony Strallan decide not to propose to?
What does Lady Edith name her daughter?
Who says, “Oh dear! Have you swallowed a dictionary?”
Who always wins Best Bloom in the Village?
What does Tom Branson ask Lady Mary to be?
Who teaches Jimmy how to wind the clocks at Downton?
What does Miss Baxter spot on top of Thomas Barrow’s dresser as he pushes her out of his bedroom doorway?
Who is asked to be chairman of the war memorial?
Who spots Lady Mary and Lord Gillingham as they leave the Grand Hotel together in Liverpool?
Who said, “No man can regret loving as I have loved you”?
Who is arrested for the murder of Mr. Green?
Who said, “The business of life is the acquisition of memories.”?