Game of Thrones Young Heartbreaking Deaths

In Game of Thrones , children don't fair well. Here's a list of some of the most heartbreaking young deaths so far...

Created by Telfie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Shireen Baratheon

Shireen Baratheon was burned at the stake by her own parents, to prove his loyalty to the Gods, Stannis Baratheon sacrifices his only heir.


Rickon Stark

Rickon Stark, killed by Ramsey Bolton as he ran for his life, after being held captive and then released.


Jojen Reed

Jojen Reed was stabbed by a Wight.


Myrcella Baratheon

After learning her Uncle Jamie was really her father, she immediately died after being poisoned by the kiss of death from Ellaria Sand.


Tommen Baratheon

Young King Tommen Baratheon threw himself from his tower window in the Red Keep, after watching the Great Sept explode, killing his wife and hundreds of innocents.


Mycah the Butcher boy

Prince Joffrey ordered the Hound to run down and kill the simple Butcher boy who had been playing with Arya Starke.


Lommys Greenhands

Lommy, the orphan boy, Killed when he was stabbed in the neck.


Robert Baratheons brown-haired bastard children

King Joffrey ordered all of Robert Baratheons bastard children about 20 to be killed.


Two innocent farmboys

Theon Greyjoy killed and burned two innocent farm boys, claiming they were Bran and Rickon Stark.


King Joffrey Baratheon

King Joffrey Baratheon was a tyrant, and although his death was sad for his mother Cersei, most fans celebrated when he was poisoned at his own wedding.

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