TWD S5 - Who Said What?

How well do you remember which character said what in TWD Season 5? Play to test your memory skills!

Created by Telfie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 24, 2016
1 / 10

The plan just got dicked."

2 / 10

“I know what a hair shirt is. My daddy was religious. I used to be.”

3 / 10

“I didn't just lose her. I killed her. It had to be me.”

4 / 10

"The smartest man I ever met happened to love my hair. My old boss, T. Brooks Ellis, the director of the Human Genome Project. He said my hair made me look like, and I quote, a fun guy, which I am.”

5 / 10

“This is how we survive. We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead.”

6 / 10

"Because all life is precious..."

7 / 10

“The truth hurts, but he's useless. He had one skill that kept him living. Are we suppose to be mad at him 'cause he used it?”

8 / 10

"Thank you... for knocking him on his ass."

9 / 10

“It's fine. You know what's great about this place? I get to be invisible again.”

10 / 10

“He disguises himself as an angel of light. His servants are the false apostles of righteousness. They don't deserve this. They don't deserve paradise.”

Questions left
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