Which Pretty Little Liar Are You?
Which Pretty Little Liar Are You?
Lets hope you're not A
Lets hope you're not A

Lets start of simple. What is your favourite colour?
Are you good at keeping secrets?
How would you describe yourself ?
Choose a school subject
What is your family like ?
What is your biggest flaw ?
Finally, you receive a threatening text message from a unknown number what do you do ?
You are Hanna. You are witty, forgiving and a lot smarter then people give you credit for sometimes. You know what you want in life and you go get it. Also, your one liners are on point.
You are Aria. You are spunky, creative and loyal. You follow your heart no matter where that takes you even if that is to some dangerous places sometimes.
You are Emily. You are athletic, driven and are always trying to see the best in people. You know that people come and go but your friends will always be there for you when it counts.
You are Spencer. You are smart, driven and extremely ambitious. You always try and stay two steps a head of everyone and nothing can stop you once you put your mind to something.
You are Allison. You are crafty, resourceful and resilient. You may of been known as a cold hearted bitch at some point in your life but you are more vulnerable then people think.
A, Uber A whoever you are you are sinister my friend, but smart, probably too smart. Try using that brain for good instead of torturing people okay ?