The Ultimate WENTWORTH Quiz!
The Ultimate WENTWORTH Quiz!
How well do you know wentworth? find out in this Quiz.... P.S. only play if you've seen all three seasons!
How well do you know wentworth? find out in this Quiz.... P.S. only play if you've seen all three seasons!
Created by Wentworth Prison (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 1, 2015
1 / 10
What address does Jacs say when she's threatening Bea's daughter?
2 / 10
Why is Liz drunk & upset?
3 / 10
What does the Freak say to Bea in this scene?
4 / 10
What does Bea get told the pills in her hand are called?
5 / 10
Which Screw receives this transfer notice?
6 / 10
How many magazines does Bea sellotape together?
7 / 10
When Bea returns, what's the name of the screw she says G'day to?
8 / 10
Where did Joan order her new fish from?
9 / 10
What does Jess creepily say to Boomer?
10 / 10
How many episodes has the Corn of the Cob starred in Wentworth Season 3?
Questions left
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