QUIZ: What Kinda Life Would You Have In The Sims?
QUIZ: What Kinda Life Would You Have In The Sims?
Let's find out for real...
Let's find out for real...
What do you want as your Lifetime Wish?
Okay then, so what would be your dream job?
Pick your favourite recurring Sims character.
What's your go-to Sim meal?
Pick the house you're most likely to create in The Sims.
And finally, which Sims animal matches your personality?
You'll barely make it to puberty, and will die choking on bad Apple Pancakes.
You'll barely make it to puberty, and will die choking on bad Apple Pancakes.
You'll live out your entire life, have a dream job and will grow the perfect tomato plant.
You'll live out your entire life, have a dream job and will grow the perfect tomato plant.
You'll have a string of affairs with everyone in town, culminating into you eventually being ostracised by your entire neighbourhood.
You'll have a string of affairs with everyone in town, culminating into you eventually being ostracised by your entire neighbourhood.
You'll marry into money, adopt thousands of cats and live happy as a crazy cat person.
You'll marry into money, adopt thousands of cats and live happy as a crazy cat person.
You'll struggle to keep a job, but won't give a f*ck because you have one of those slip-and-slide shark things.
You'll struggle to keep a job, but won't give a f*ck because you have one of those slip-and-slide shark things.
Unfortunately, the best moments of your Sim life will be that time you pooped your diaper at 3 days old.
Unfortunately, the best moments of your Sim life will be that time you pooped your diaper at 3 days old.
You're basically going to turn into one of those glitchy Sim monsters, mocked largely across Tumblr.
You're basically going to turn into one of those glitchy Sim monsters, mocked largely across Tumblr.