We Know Which Clueless Character You're Most Like

"Do you prefer fashion victim or ensemble-y challenged?"

Created by WhoSay (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Which of these insults would you say to your frenemy?

Which extracurricular activity appeals to you the most?

How would you describe your sex life?

You just transferred to Bronson Alcott High. What's your first move?

Which of the following things would you get grounded for?

How would you get your crush's attention?

And finally, Do you prefer "fashion victim" or "ensembly challenged"?



You are a total betty with an amazing sense of style! No wonder you’re so popular! Just like Cher, you care deeply about your friends and family. Some people may think you are vapid and self-centered, but in reality, you are a sweet-natured individual with a heart of gold who always uses her popularity for a good cause. This is what allows you to navigate through life’s drama and still look fabulous! You are the undeniable Queen Bee of Bronson Alcott High School with a core set of values from which you never stray!



You are a true original who can adapt to any situation. You have been through a lot in your life including a sudden brush with death at the mall, which allows you to offer great advice to your friends and family. You may stand out for being a bit different, but when it comes down to it, all you want to do is keep rollin' with your homies. You have a sweet and innocent side with a smile that could light up a room! It’s no wonder Elton had a picture of you hanging up in his locker!



Where would Cher be without you? You are the snarky best friend who knows how to keep it real and throw some serious shade when necessary. You are a fashion lover with a unique and rebellious edge. You exude confidence and don’t need to be the most popular girl in school to know that you are totally fly! You have a tough exterior, but when people get to know you, they are able to see your romantic, soft side. Even though your virginity has gone from technical to non-existent, you would never skin a collie to make your backpack or wear polyester hair!

Travis Birkenstock

Travis Birkenstock

Dude! You are a mellow individual who loves to skateboard and hang out on the grassy knoll at Bronson Alcott High. You throw amazing parties thanks to your laid-back, easy going personality. You are not easily impressed by vanity and materialism and like to keep things simple. Even though you have 38 tardies (by far the most tardies in the class), you wouldn't be where you are today without the help of your friends including the LA city bus driver who took a chance on an unknown kid.



You are a real do gooder who is dedicated to making the world a better place. You love to read books and stay updated about current events so that when you show up at the coffee shop, you are able to engage your friends in intellectual conversations. You stand up for what you believe in and even managed to get Marky Mark to plant a celebrity tree!



You are a total heartthrob with a classic sense of style. You are a modern day James Deen with a love for classic films, artwork and literature. You spend a lot of time travelling, (but mostly because your parents have joint custody, so you’ll be spending one semester in Chicago and one semester in California). You are a sophisticated soul, but remember, the death of Sammy Davis did not leave an opening in the rat pack!

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