Which House Of Cards Character Are You?
Which House Of Cards Character Are You?
Unfortunately, we aren't all Underwoods...
Unfortunately, we aren't all Underwoods...
Which quote do you identify with the most?
I prefer to work behind the scenes
My friends would most likely describe me as:
It's your day off. What are you doing?
Do you agree with this statement: "Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that falls apart in 10 years. Power is the old stone church that stands for centuries."
Which leader do you respect/identify with the most?
Finally, which food item makes you hungry?
Frank Underwood
Frank Underwood
You are born to succeed. You will stop at nothing to achieve your goals, and will take risks to gain power. You value power and loyalty over anything else.
Claire Underwood
Claire Underwood
A wise man once said that behind every powerful man is a great woman. You are that woman. You're powerful and intelligent, but do not need the limelight.
Garrett Walker
Garrett Walker
You are an honest person who has a few faults. Unfortunately, your enemies can and will exploit you.
Heather Dunbar
Heather Dunbar
You prize justice and despise corruption. You are a force to be reckoned with.
Jackie Sharp
Jackie Sharp
You are ambitious and will go far in life. You are loyal only to yourself and believe you deserve the best.
Seth Grayson
Seth Grayson
You are incredibly powerful and pensive, but do not work in the spotlight. You do your own dirty work and aren't afraid to get a little messy.