What Is Your Power Sense?
What Is Your Power Sense?
Do you experience the world best with sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste... or something more?
Do you experience the world best with sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste... or something more?

Which word do you feel strongly connects to this image?
Which sense do you genuinely think you could go without in order to keep the other four?
If you had to choose a subtitle for yourself, it would be:
Which of these is closest to the first word this image brings to mind?
If you are going to learn how to do something, you will absolutely need to:
The first thing you notice about someone else is their:
If you could instantly master an art, it would be:
Your Power Sense Is Sight
Your Power Sense Is Sight
A innately creative and visual person, you experience the world directly through sight and you may forget a name but you never forget a face. You perceive the world through shapes, colors, and motion moreso that most, and have formed deep emotional connections with specific colors/images you love and/or hate. Physical appearance is something you always notice in others. You are adept with visual cognition, and are 100% a visual learner.
Your Power Sense Is Hearing
Your Power Sense Is Hearing
An avid listener and fan of music, you experience the world through sound and could never imagine doing otherwise. You are fascinated by ambient noise and the different sounds of individual environments, and can drastically alter your own mood depending on what music you choose to listen to. You are adept at identifying individuals by their voices, and familiarize yourself with your surroundings via sound, even if you don't realize it just yet.
Your Power Sense Is Taste
Your Power Sense Is Taste
A passionate foodie who considers "pleasure" to be the purest form of happiness, you experience the world through adventures in food. Taste is something you use to adequate yourself with your surroundings, and is deeply connected to how you remember/identify with a specific locale. A keen sense of taste can also be heavily tied to enhanced emotional ability, and you are adept with empathy and assessing the moods of others. Just as a side note, "Hangry" is definitely a thing - and you are living proof of such.
Your Power Sense Is Smell
Your Power Sense Is Smell
A deeply instinctual person with a strong memory, you experience the world most vividly through smell and familiarity (and may not even realize it). Smell is the strongest sense our brains associate with memory, and people whose sense of smell is prominent tend to have a primal connection to nature and deep respect for the past. You immediately react to familiar smells, and sometimes have very specific memories triggered simply by your sense of smell unconsciously connecting scents.
Your Power Sense Is Touch
Your Power Sense Is Touch
An extremely hands-on person, you experience the world directly and take physical existence at face value. Touch is something you use to learn and to feel emotion, and people whose sense of touch is prominent tend to have textures they love, but even moreso those they loathe. If you see something you like or admire, your immediate instinct is to touch it. You are adept at assessing your surroundings with a keen sense of spatial awareness.
Your Power Sense Is Mind
Your Power Sense Is Mind
You're a unique one, aren't you? Your intellectual mind is coupled with a deeply rooted instinct - creating an individual whose "sixth sense" is very much active. You may not know this, but your thought and power-of-mind can very much be a sixth sense. You are an excellent and immediate judge of character, and are deeply intuitive when it comes to the state of others. You have the fascinating ability to work through problems, obstacles, and even physical objects in your mind. You often get lost in your own thoughts, and enjoy taking time to ponder points of interest.