What Princess Bride Character Are You?
What Princess Bride Character Are You?
Are you Wesley, Buttercup, Fezzik, or someone else???
Are you Wesley, Buttercup, Fezzik, or someone else???

What is most important in life to you?
Who do you mostly hang out with?
Where do you mostly hang out?
Boooooooooo! Your boyfriend or girlfriend has just dumped you, what do you do?
Your true love has been kidnapped and thrown into a van right in front of you, what do you do?
Now that your true love is in danger, what are you willing to sacrifice to save them?
You just found out your true love has died, what do you do?
Do you fear death?
You just died and death asks you why you should be allowed a second chance, you say.......
Would you sell your soul?
If you would sell your soul, what would you sell it for?
You must fight a sea monster, how would you defeat it?
What warrior are you?
What weapon do you fight with?
Pick your warrior companion/sidekick.....
Your greatest enemy is?
RANDOM AWESOMENESS: Which Dragon would you battle against....?
Adventure is........
You are back in the middle ages, who are you?
Which of these mythical creatures would you like be?
Which of these places would you rather live?
Your reason for living is?
You are Inigo Montoya
You are Inigo Montoya
You are Inigo Montoya. You care deeply about your family and friends and will dedicate your life to making them proud. You demand respect and woe to any who decide not to give it to you. You hold grudges easily and make sure you always get your revenge when you, or someone you care about, is wronged. You are a very powerful and dedicated person, you will go far in life as long as you do not focus on revenge to much.
You are Fezzik
You are Fezzik
You are Fezzik, strong and loyal. People can always count on you. You never fail to be there for your loved ones and people love being around you. The most important thing for you is hanging our with your friends and family. You are a social butterfly and a bad-ass!
You are Wesley
You are Wesley
You are Wesley and you are an adventure! Traveling the world is the lifestyle for you, or maybe just adventuring around where you live. Either way you are smart, strong, and a little bit of a hopeless romantic. You are quick to learn any skill and never give up on those you love.
You are Prince Humperdinck
You are Prince Humperdinck
You are Prince Humperdinck. You are the Life of the Party. You will always be found on a night out on the town. You are always the center of attention and thrive on competition. Enjoying the simple pleasure in defeating your enemy at all cost!
You are Princess Buttercup
You are Princess Buttercup
You are Buttercup. You are beautiful both in looks and personality. You are loyal to those who love you. Extremely kind and passionate, everyone looks to you for comfort and love. You are strong and can handle danger when it comes your way! Sea monsters and psycho Princes are nothing you can't handle. You are a one bad-ass Princess!
You are Vizzini
You are Vizzini
You are Vizzini. You live for M-O-N-E-Y. Gonna get some M-O-N-E-Y. Using your incredible intelligence, you con your way through life making sure you always come out on top. Enjoying the finer things in life is not a bad thing though, so live it up!
You are The Grandfather
You are The Grandfather
You are the Grandfather, the story teller, the leader. You are extremely wise and like to give your knowledge to the people you love. People respect you and your decisions. They trust that you know what is best for them and will follow you anywhere.
You are Miracle Max
You are Miracle Max
You are Miracle Max. You are the Magical Man!(or Woman!) Your life is full of wonder and the unknown. You can be crazy at times but, people love to be around you even if it is just to see what you will do next. You are wild and fun, always bringing a sense of excitement to life.