Which Immortal Species Are You?

Many types of immortal supernatural creatures are out there in this world, find out which one you are.

Yessica Ramirez
Created by Yessica Ramirez (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 24, 2015

What will you describe yourself as?

What is your favorite color?

What do you love most in this world?

What is your favorite supernatural creature?

What superpower do you wish to have?

If you had a choice who would you save?



You are one of the strongest species out there. You are brave and strong, but you are also egotistical you believe you are better than anyone that is around you and you make sure they never forget it. You get into major fights with your family, yet when they are in trouble you are the first one to come to their defense.



You are a creature of great power more powerful than any other creature, you are able to drain the power of any supernatural creature and use it as you own. You only use your power when pushed to the extreme, you are more calm and gentle than your nature tells.



You are a bloodthirsty creature that cares only for itself. You love dark things and hate the light, you are a nocturnal child. You are sensual and beautiful, and you use that beauty for your own benefit.



You are a creature of shape-shifting. You love animals and have a commanding nature. You are either a leader or a follower. Either way you are strong, you protect your family in many ways and is a caretaker.



You are strong domineering and dark. You are the opposite of light you are the dark. You hate the light caring creatures that are known as Angels.



You are a beautiful creature that is loving and caring for others. You are the light of the world, you put everyone's needs before your own.



You are a creature of the water, you love to swim and love to get wet. No matter what you will probably be around water around any given time of the day. You have an ethereal beauty that attracts anyone and everyone to you. You are a lovable being in this world.



You love nature and live your life to the fullest. You are experienced in the world and have infinite wisdom. You are the one being who has the caring capacity and strength to take care of others.
You live with sorrow and happiness conflicting within you for you have no idea if the world will ever be peaceful.

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