Which High School Clique Would You Be In TODAY?
Which High School Clique Would You Be In TODAY?
Most of us change completely after high school - so what clique would you fall into as your present self? The result may surprise you!
Most of us change completely after high school - so what clique would you fall into as your present self? The result may surprise you!

How would you get to school in the morning?
Pick an elective:
If there was no dress code, how would you dress?
Which club are you the president of?
Pick a pair of glasses:
What does your backpack look like?
Which font do you type your notes in?
Labels are so mainstream. You don't confine yourself to the 'hipster' tag because doing so would group you with so many others, when in reality, you're an individual who only engages in activities that other people probably haven't heard of. You wear plaid, but only ironically. You wear your watch on your right hand, even though you're right handed. Sometimes you ride your fixie to school, but that's becoming too expected, so you're toying with the idea of going back to an old-school razor scooter. And no one knows if your glasses are real...
You've managed to circumvent the dress code and get away with wearing Lululemon's and hoodies every day to eliminate changing time between class and practice. If you're not doing drills on the court or field, you're spectating and cheering your fellow athletes. You've got your eye on that D1 athletic scholarship and somehow manage to squeeze 3 hours of practice in to the busy life of a high schooler. That team camraderie is alive and well, cause the athletes are a tight-knit group.
Science club? Check.
Summer internship? Check.
Weekly volunteering? Check.
Student government? Check.
Peer leader? Check.
You struggle to fit your resume on to one page and you haven't even had a real job yet. Everyone loves you, but they also sort of partially hate you for making everything you touch turn to gold. But really they love you, cause who couldn't?
You're friends with everyone! You're not defined by playing a sport or wearing a certain type of clothing. Instead, you and your buddies are known for being open, happy, go-with-the-flow high schoolers. You take things as they come, roll with the punches, and realize that at the end of the day everything will be OK.
You believe that it's never to early to fight for a cause, and high school is the perfect place to take action. You write op-eds for the student newspaper, organize group outings to rallies, and try to ensure that every student at your school is aware of what's happening in the world. You take your studies seriously, but what really matters to you is finding justice and making change in the world.
Let's be real: it's 2015, and everyone knows that tech is the way of the future. You don't mess around when it comes to developing expert computer and technology skills. You've already built a few apps and are in the process of designing innovative drone technology. You usually wear monochrome v-necks and jeans and idolize Mark Zuckerberg. By the end of high school you'll have probably launched a local startup that's making a big impact!