Are you a true fan of The Flash?
Are you a true fan of The Flash?
This is a quick test to see whether you are a real fan of The Flash TV show on the CW.
(Also, This is my first quiz, so please no negative feedback.)
This is a quick test to see whether you are a real fan of The Flash TV show on the CW.
(Also, This is my first quiz, so please no negative feedback.)

Who is the actor of Barry Allen/ The Flash?
Who is Reverse Flash?
Who is Zoom?
Who is this?
How is the Flash/Batman relationship on the CW?
What is the name of this show?
What is Arrow's secret identity?
Who is the actor of Joe?
What color is the back of The Flash's insignia in Season 1?
Yes! You are a true fan of The Flash!
Yes! You are a true fan of The Flash!
You watch the flash probably every Tuesday and carefully follow the sequence of events going on.
Sorry, you're not a fan.
Sorry, you're not a fan.
Sadly, you are not a fan of The Flash. Watch some more, and you'll probably be one soon.