What Engagement Ring Style Is Perfect For You?

Finding an engagement ring that you love as much as your significant other can be hard work (but someone has got to do it)

Take this quiz to eliminate the guess work on what 90210 Jewelry engagement ring is perfect for your personality.

Created by 90210Jewelry (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 8, 2016

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You're A Princess

You're A Princess

You're a girly-girl who likes to be treated like a lady. Chivalry will always be very important to you. That's why a princess cut solitaire diamond will perfectly match your personality.

You're An Angelic Halo

You're An Angelic Halo

Feminine and meticulous, we'd put money that you're the life of the party and love to make an entrance. A halo diamond ring is perfect for someone like you that loves to impress.

You're a Gem(stone)

You're a Gem(stone)

You are confident and proud. And you especially want a colorful life. That's why a diamond ring isn't for you- you need to go the non-traditional route of a gemstone ring.

You're Full of Vintage Charm

You're Full of Vintage Charm

You're sentimental and romantic while equally artsy and slightly reserved. Wearing a ring that pays homage to a bygone era is exactly your style.

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