Which Grizzy and the Lemmings character are you?
Which Grizzy and the Lemmings character are you?
Are you more like Grizzy or more like one of the lemmings? What about the moose? Answer the test and find out!
Are you more like Grizzy or more like one of the lemmings? What about the moose? Answer the test and find out!
What is the most important thing in your life?
What is your favourite fruit?
Pick a colour:
Who is your favourite Boomerang character?
Choose a pet:
You are... GRIZZY!
You are... GRIZZY!
You are mature and responsible but you could easily lose your cool when there is someone trying to invading your personal space (especially when there are dozens annoying beings called Lemmings doing that)
You are... a LEMMING!
You are... a LEMMING!
For you, nothing matters more than having fun. It doesn't matter where or when, that's all you care about!
You are... the MOOSE!
You are... the MOOSE!
You like to eat. And chill. And eat. And relax. Oh, and eat. Quietly.