O.J. Simpson Case Files Quiz
O.J. Simpson Case Files Quiz
Watch "The Secret Tapes of the OJ Case" & "What It Took to Beat OJ" on the Crime & Investigation channel UK Sunday 4th October 10pm & Monday 5th October 10pm.
SKY: 553 & 554 (+1) - Virgin Media: 275 - BT: 328 T - TalkTalk: 328
Watch "The Secret Tapes of the OJ Case" & "What It Took to Beat OJ" on the Crime & Investigation channel UK Sunday 4th October 10pm & Monday 5th October 10pm.
SKY: 553 & 554 (+1) - Virgin Media: 275 - BT: 328 T - TalkTalk: 328

Initially O.J. Simpson rose to fame playing which sport?
His next place in the spotlight came from acting, most famously known for his roles in the Naked Gun series. What was his character's name?
Accused of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and waiter Ron Goldman, Simpson is now most known as the man who was found not guilty in one of history's most infamous murder trials. When did the murders take place?
Where did the murders take place?
To what city did O.J. Simpson fly just a few hours after the murders?
What kind of dog led a neighbour to the bodies of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?
With whom did O.J. Simpson stay during the days following the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown?
Simpson was involved in a car chase with police that lasted nearly two hours, what was the colour and make of car?
At the trial Johnnie Cochran, defence lawyer for O.J. Simpson, quipped the famous words: "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit." What item of clothing found at the murder scene was he referring to?
For how many days was the O.J. Simpson trial aired on television?
How much money was estimated to be lost in productivity in America around the time the verdict was read for O.J. Simpson?
How many witnesses gave testimony during O.J. Simpson's trial?
Who did O.J. Simpson's defence accuse of murdering Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?
Although found not guilt in a criminal court, Simpson was tried again in a civil court and found liable for Nicole and Ron's wrongful deaths. How much was he ordered to pay in punitive damages to the Brown and Goldman families?
13 years after the trial, O.J. was found guilty of kidnapping and armed robbery in an unrelated case. How long a service is he now serving in prison?