Quiz: Can You Complete These Clueless Quotes?
Quiz: Can You Complete These Clueless Quotes?
Prove whether you're truly a '90s girl with this quiz
Prove whether you're truly a '90s girl with this quiz

“You been ______ behind my back?”
“Hello? That was a stop sign.”
“In conclusion, may I please remind you it does not say ____ on the Statue of Liberty.”
“Street slang is an increasingly _____ form of expression.”
“The PC term is ______.”
“You see how picky I am about my ____, and they only go on my _____.”
“What the hell is that?” “A dress.” “Says who?”
“That was __________, Tai.”
“So, okay, I don’t want to be _____ my generation and all, but I don’t get how guys dress today.”
“She’s a full-on Monet. From far away it’s okay, ______ .”
“I SO need lessons from you on how to be cool. Tell me the part about _____ again?"
“Christian had a thing for Tony Curtis, so he brought over ‘Some Like It Hot’ and ______. ”