Which Olympic Sport Should You Have Competed In?
Which Olympic Sport Should You Have Competed In?
You may have missed your chance this time, but there's only four more years until the next round of qualifiers!
You may have missed your chance this time, but there's only four more years until the next round of qualifiers!

How do you feel about cardio?
What do you think about the prospect of a somewhat skimpy uniform?
How would you spend your day off?
Which Olympic city would you most want to compete in?
Would you be willing to go on a special diet to get to the Olympics?
How do you feel watching videos of past Olympians?
What is your greatest fear?
What's your favorite Newton South tradition?
What's your best subject?
Which word best describes you?
You are classy, sophisticated, and above all, poised. Dancing with a horse might seem dangerous or silly to some, but you know a true art form when you see it.
Ever the risk-taker, diving is the perfect sport for you! You've got the precision to show off some amazing skills, all while speeding towards the prospect of a belly flop!
You love the spotlight and you're not afraid to work for it. Versatile and graceful, you've trained for too long to let anything scare you. Have fun looking down at us from the uneven bars!
Your skills are pretty specialized and you might not be the most flexible competitor, but you've mastered a lifeskill that will help you survive the apocalypse, so good for you!
A team player and perhaps a little overdramatic, you're destined to be part of the Olympic soccer team. Just try not to get too many yellow cards, okay?
Table Tennis
Table Tennis
You might be a bit of an outsider, but when you're in the zone no one can stop you. Your reflexes and endurance are legendary, and they're sure to get you the gold.