Which Game of Thrones character are you?
Which Game of Thrones character are you?
Find out which game of thrones character you are!
Find out which game of thrones character you are!

Are you a male or female?
Favorite color?
You are the king/queen. It is your job to act in a just manner towards everybody. There was a villager who stole some bread for himself and his family because they're starving. The punishment is the loss of a hand. What do you do?
Which is your favorite house?
Valar Morghulis. How would you prefer to die?
Are you an open person?
Is being intellectual or strong more important in a fight?
Flirting style?
How would friends/family describe you?
Do you consider yourself a nice person?
You're forced to marry a total psychopath. What do you do?
What does success mean to you?
How do you feel about pets?
Be honest. If you could, would you want the Iron Throne.
You re Daenerys! You go after what you want and never back down. You are compassionate but just at the same time, and do what you believe is right. You may be stubborn but it can come in handy at times. You can also be sweet - like you are with animals! If people stand in the way of what you want, they could see the bad side of you. You have a fierce attitude which people look up to you for. You are also a good leader.
You got Tyrion! You are super smart and you are an intellectual. You use your words instead of physical contact and you tend to stray away from conflict. You hold in all of your anger and hurt for a while, but then once in a while it all spills out and you go crazy. You prefer to read rather than going out. You have a sweet personality and that is why people love you. You're gentle and kind fun to be around.
Jon Snow!
Jon Snow!
You are Jon Snow! You are fiercely loyal to your loved ones and promises. You are a kind person but you're not afraid to defend someone in need. You are compassionate and make friends easily. People are envious of your good looks and charm.
You got Sansa! You're very beautiful and feminine. You're also submissive and fragile. You do not really like conflict, but you're not scared of it if you've been wronged. People like to be around you because of your kind spirit and funny personality! People are also jealous of your beauty.
Jamie Lannister!
Jamie Lannister!
You are Jamie Lannister! Also known as the kingslayer. You have good looks, charm, charisma - you seem like the whole package. Which you are! However, you can be brooding and tend to have trouble with keeping promises. You do not care about what people think of you. You seem like a very aggressive guy on the outside, but on the inside you are just a sensitive sweet heart!
Margaery Tyrell!
Margaery Tyrell!
You got Margaery Tyrell! You're famous for your beauty! You are easily able to manipulate others. You are a kind hearted person and you try to love everybody. People look up to you because of your compassion and love for everything.
Oberyn Martell!
Oberyn Martell!
You are Prince Oberyn Martell! You are fiercely loyal to the ones you love ad you will do anything for them. You can be a bit cocky but that is okay, It's not wrong to love yourself. You are very intelligent, quick witted and strong. You know what you are doing and saying most of the time.