The Day Everything Goes Wrong
The Day Everything Goes Wrong
This Is Officially The Worst Day Of My Life!!!
This Is Officially The Worst Day Of My Life!!!

The Worst Day Of My Life
I wake up late because my alarm doesn't go off. Mums yelling at me from the stairs saying, " Wake up you're late" But I still went back to sleep. My mum shouts again," Wake up! You are late for school." I sigh and just leap out of my bed running to the toilet. But I can't go in, someone's using it. With a loud groan I head back to my room to get dressed but i can't find my tie. I search around my room without any luck.I go back to the toilet again. A sigh of relief as I enter the toilet.
As I am walking down the stairs I trip over my own feet and I am close to falling but I regain by balance, thanks to the bannisters. I open the fridge door and there's no cereal. So I decide to have a toast. As I was putting my toast in ,clouds of smoke inflated through the room. At that moment I was thinking what's going on today!!
My mom offers to give me a lift to school as it is raining. But the car was taking too long to deice. I decide to just walk to school, in the process getting soaking wet.
In school my first lesson was English.But I forget my home work ! Like really ! How can I forget my homework? And of course ,my teacher is chewing out a way to get me in detention. But always fails.
After English it's Maths. While we are all studying, a girl speaks. But I get the blame. So I get detention. Detention isn't all that bad when you have your friends with you!
After a miserable day at school I go home. Then I remember that I left the key inside!!! Guess I just have to wait until my dad gets home from work then.
When my dad comes home he tells me off for forgetting my key. After tea I am sent upstairs. As I am in my bed I think to myself ,what a dreadful day it has been.Hoping that I will never see a day as bad as this again.
Umar Bin Imad
Age : 12
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