We Can Tell You How Honest You Are Based On The Animals You Think Are Ugliest!
We Can Tell You How Honest You Are Based On The Animals You Think Are Ugliest!
Anyone can say that some animals are so ugly they're cute. It takes a truly special person to call an ugly animal hideous. Test your honesty here!
Anyone can say that some animals are so ugly they're cute. It takes a truly special person to call an ugly animal hideous. Test your honesty here!

Which of these fish is the most hideous?
Which of these cats is the ugliest?
Which of these bugs is the most hideous?
Which of these dogs is the ugliest?
Which of these rats is the most hideous?
Which of these horses is the ugliest?
Which of these lizards is the most hideous?
Which of these birds is the ugliest?
You're Brutally Honest!
You're Brutally Honest!
Congratulations! There is not a lying bone in your body! When you see a truly hideous creature, you don't beat around the bush about it. You tell it straight up that it's just plain ugly. Just remember to avoid doing the same with other people's children because a mother will cut you. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how truthful they are!
You're Refreshingly Truthful!
You're Refreshingly Truthful!
Truth flows from your lips like water from a beautiful mountain spring. Sure, it can be a little icy, but really, it's more soothing than it is straight up cold because you know how to temper your truth so that it always lifts people up instead of putting them down. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how truthful they are!
You're A Beautiful Liar!
You're A Beautiful Liar!
We're going to be honest with you. You seemed to be lying about which animals you actual considered to be the ugliest. But here's the thing. The world needs people like you, who will be staunch, unwavering supporters of others, even if they're not particularly good-looking or skillful. Because of your encouragement, others are able to keep working until they become better at what they want to do or be. Do you think we got it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how truthful they are!