Tell Us Your Sleeping Habits And We'll Tell You Where You Fall On A Scale From Normal To Psychotic
Tell Us Your Sleeping Habits And We'll Tell You Where You Fall On A Scale From Normal To Psychotic
Who knew that your sleeping habits holds the key to whether or not you're a full-blown psychopath?! Take this quiz and find out the truth about your sanity.
Who knew that your sleeping habits holds the key to whether or not you're a full-blown psychopath?! Take this quiz and find out the truth about your sanity.
What time do you usually go to bed?
What's your dental routine before bed?
What do you use to wake yourself up?
What do you usually wear to bed?
Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone?
Do you prefer pitch black? Or a bit of light?
Are you a light sleeper? Or a deep sleeper?
Do you remember your dreams?
You fall at..."Normal"!
You fall at..."Normal"!
Thank god, you're normal, no you can sleep easy knowing that.
You fall at..."totally psychotic"
You fall at..."totally psychotic"
Sorry...but according to your answers you're straight up nuts. Don't blame us, blame your sleep habits!
You fall at..."somewhat psychotic"
You fall at..."somewhat psychotic"
You're a little weird but nothing "too crazy". Rest easy knowing that you're "somewhat" normal.
Tell Us Your Sleeping Habits And We'll Tell You Where You Fall On A Scale From Normal To Psychotic