This App Quiz Will Reveal Which Generation You're In
This App Quiz Will Reveal Which Generation You're In
Your app choices will reveal whether you're a Gen-Z, Millennial, Gen-X or Baby Boomer. See if we can get your generation right!
Your app choices will reveal whether you're a Gen-Z, Millennial, Gen-X or Baby Boomer. See if we can get your generation right!

What's your favorite streaming service:
What's your favorite "instant messaging" app:
What's your chosen social media app:
What's your favorite video app?
What's your preferred app to send and receive money?
What "extra" app would you download?
What's your dating app of choice?
Which ride app do you prefer?
Which food delivery app is your "go-to"?
You are...a Gen-Z
You are...a Gen-Z
According to your app choices, you are an elusive Gen-Z! You are basically glued to your Instagram account and subscribe to obscure Youtubers that your parents have definitely never heard of. You consider Facebook to be a relic.
You are...a Millennial.
You are...a Millennial.
According to your app choices, you are an idealistic millennial! You are basically glued to your Instagram account and probably met your current partner on Tinder. Netflix is your second love.
You are...a Gen-X.
You are...a Gen-X.
According to your app choices, you are a calm, cool Gen-X! You are basically glued to your Twitter account and have been an HBO subscriber since the beginning. You have no idea what TikTok is.
You are...a Baby Boomer!
You are...a Baby Boomer!
According to your app choices, you are a bonafide baby boomer! You are basically glued to your Facebook and watch documentaries on YouTube. You have no idea what SnapChat is.
This App Quiz Will Reveal Which Generation You're In