This "Would You Rather" Quiz Will Determine Which Way You Put Your Toilet Paper Roll In The Holder
This "Would You Rather" Quiz Will Determine Which Way You Put Your Toilet Paper Roll In The Holder
Do you put your toilet paper roll on with the flap just laying there across the top? Or are you a flap "under" kinda person? Take this quiz and we will reveal ALL!
Do you put your toilet paper roll on with the flap just laying there across the top? Or are you a flap "under" kinda person? Take this quiz and we will reveal ALL!

Would you rather have only ketchup or only mustard on your hotdog:
Would you rather lose the ability to read? Or the ability to speak?
Would you rather be a cat? Or a dog?
Would you rather drink a Coke? Or a Pepsi?
Would you rather go 2 weeks without internet or 2 weeks without showering?
Would you rather only use Instagram as your social media or Facebook?
Would you rather eat one type of food for the rest of your life and have an endless supply of money? Or have almost no money but eat anything you want?
Would you rather never pet a dog again or never eat ice cream?
You put your toilet paper with the flap under...
You put your toilet paper with the flap under...
This seams to be the most popular way of doing it. It's the way toilet paper SHOULD be.
You put your toilet paper with the flap over the top.
You put your toilet paper with the flap over the top.
You monster! You put your toilet paper rolls on the holder all willy nilly with the flap just laying there, over the top. I don't know you...
This "Would You Rather" Quiz Will Determine Which Way You Put Your Toilet Paper Roll In The Holder
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