Which Type of GEEK Are You?
Which Type of GEEK Are You?
Geeks are the new sexy! Take this goofy (totally made up) quiz to find out what kind of geek you are!
Geeks are the new sexy! Take this goofy (totally made up) quiz to find out what kind of geek you are!
Which is your favorite movie genre of those listed?
Which is your favorite game of those listed?
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Have you ever taken something apart, just to see how it works?
Do you pay close attention to the stock market?
Yes/No to this statement: "I don't consider myself a geek, but I geek out about certain interests."
Which of the TV shows listed do you related the most to?
Have you or would you participate in a role playing game?
Which awesome real-life geek do you relate to the most?
Which of the below have you camped in line for?
Entertainment Geek
Entertainment Geek
You are big time into some form of entertainment, be it movies, TV, music, or something else. Maybe you're even into multiple kinds. Maybe you obsess over a specific movie or show or band. Whatever your form of preferred entertainment is, it's what has you geeking out the most! Own it because it makes you happy (and sexy)!
Uber Geek
Uber Geek
You were the smartest person in all your classes, in all your jobs, and in just about any crowd, though you probably never would say so out loud. Be proud of that fantastic brain and know that you are sexy!!!
Gamer / Games Geek
Gamer / Games Geek
You are big time into some games be they on a console or role playing, board games or bar trivia night. Maybe you're even into multiple types of games. Whatever your form of preferred gaming is, it's what has you geeking out the most! Love who you are, because it's sexy!
Inventor / Gadget Geek
Inventor / Gadget Geek
Can't stop tinkering? Love to take things apart just to see how they tick? Maybe you're constantly coming up with new ideas? Or perhaps you are always the first in line to try out the latest tech? You are a gadget / inventor geek, and that is dang sexy!
Finance / Money Geek
Finance / Money Geek
Watching the stock market ticker makes your heart soar! Or perhaps you are a spreadsheet lover? Maybe your goal in life is to make more money than Trump? Whatever form your love of finance takes, it's what has you geeking out the most! Love your geekiness, because it's dead sexy!
Special Interest Geek
Special Interest Geek
You don't necessarily consider yourself a geek, but you have a specific interest or hobby over which you obsess and happily geek out. Maybe it's rebuilding cars, or collecting dolls. Maybe you are a closet Star Wars nut. Perhaps your favorite thing in life is decorating for a holiday. We believe everyone has a tiny bit of geek in them. Whatever your flavor of geekiness, embrace it, because it's awesome!
Imposter Geek
Imposter Geek
We couldn't fit you into one of our geeky categories, but don't feel left out. Maybe you don't consider yourself a geek, and based on our totally made-up survey, you'd be right. Or maybe you are just off our geeky charts. In either case, embrace whoever you are, because you are awesome!