6 Ways For TNW To Leverage Playbuzz

Take a look at 6 formats and how we can integrate engaging and interactive content within the articles.

Abi Gantz
Created by Abi Gantz
On Jul 7, 2015

Personality Format: Could You Be A Hacker?

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1CjDxUN

Personality format example:
Mashable: Are You A Yuccie? http://bit.ly/1KOc0wk


Trivia: Can You Shoot Like A Pro?

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1UuV0zM

Trivia format example:
Telegraph: Can You Remember These Old Nokia Phones?http://bit.ly/1S51tNL

Do You Recognise These Obsolete Technologies?http://bit.ly/1JR7k7s


Reveal: Tech Words and Their Meanings

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1H9ernD

Reveal format example:
What's The Meaning Of Your Eye Color? http://bit.ly/1UuWwSo


Gallery: Match The Start Up Company With Its Founder

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1feBszH

Gallery format example:
Can You Match The Console To The Controller?http://bit.ly/1KJtjjt


Rank / List: Worst Selfies of the Year

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1RfGqwG

RANK format example: Rank These Social Media Apps http://bit.ly/1HJtBGJ

LIST format example: 15 Places You Can't Use Your Selfie Stick http://bit.ly/1KJsqaB


Poll: Which Facebook Logo Do You Like The Most?

The Next Web article reference: http://tnw.co/1JwDIPi

Poll format example: What's Your Opposite?http://bit.ly/1S51Wj2


New Formats Coming:
The New And Improved POLL format,
The COUNTDOWN format,
The OPEN LIST format

The new and improved POLL format example: http://bit.ly/1Cmf0id Game of Thrones Poll

The COUNTDOWN format example: The Top 10 Cities You Should Probably Never Visit http://bit.ly/1KJuAqU

The OPEN LIST format example: Describe The Last Time You Got Drunk With A Movie Title http://bit.ly/1NKAiGN

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021