Are You Rude Overseas?
Are You Rude Overseas?
In Britain and the Western world, we know certain symbols and body language as signs of politeness. However, in some countries, these things are considered rude? So the real question is: How rude would you be if you were overseas?
In Britain and the Western world, we know certain symbols and body language as signs of politeness. However, in some countries, these things are considered rude? So the real question is: How rude would you be if you were overseas?

Which country considers a 'thumbs up' incredibly rude?
If you cross your fingers in Vietnam, what does it mean?
In Australia, how do you signal that you want to start a bar fight?
If you compliment an object in someone's house in Jordan, how will the owner react?
In which country is it considered rude to maintain eye contact for a period of time, while talking with someone?
In Philippines, if you finish your plate of food, what will your host think?
This symbol means 'rock on' in America. But in Brazil it can mean something else? What does it mean?
A stop sign with your hand in Greece means:
This sign can cause serious offence in which country?