Are You Tyler or Josh?

If you don´t answer honestly, you won´t get an accurate result.

gnome child
Created by gnome child (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do you prefer time alone or time socializing with other people?

Taco Bell or Chipotle?

Are you drawn to bright or dark colors?

According to medinia, introverts are often found to be better at creating novel entities. To put this simply, theyŕe considered good writers. Are you a good writer? If so, why?

Is your interest sparked by your own thoughts and feelings, or by the thoughts and feelings of other people?

Do you respond to anger aggressively?

Are you capable of making rational fast decisions?

When in a large group of people, do you feel drained (feeling tired or even nauseous) quickly?

If in a social situation, do you migrate towards a place to sit/something to lean against?

Being in too much light/hearing too much noise is overwhelming to you. True or false?

Are you more likely to do better work in a quiet or noisy environment?



You tend to be more extroverted and social. You aren´t intimidated by family gatherings/concerts/proms, and you enjoy yourself in pretty much any place as long as you´ve got a friend tagging along with you.



You´re less social, and like to keep your friend group small. You enjoy quiet environments, writing, and listening to music. Being alone is more enjoyable to you than being in big groups, but you enjoy the company of one or two people sometimes.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021