What criminal are you in organized crime
What criminal are you in organized crime
what kind of name will you make for yourself in organized crime?
what kind of name will you make for yourself in organized crime?
were you ever elected class president when you were in school?
what quality do you think others see in you?
Whats your policy on snitching?
do you work with a team, or alone?
someone pays you for a weapon, what do you do?
Do you kill your underlings?
City, or country.
Pick a quote
What kind things would you change/what rules will you put on your men?
Are you logical, or emotional
would you have a regular employer, or are you freelance?
What is your opinion on government secrets?
Mob boss
Mob boss
You are the mob boss! A.K.A the Godfather or Don. There is something about you that radiates power. People have often described you as charismatic and intimidating. You got to where you are now through being smart. You know to treat your men well, or else they'll retaliate. You like the city because it makes you seem like your in the midst of things., and your anonymous. Over the years you have become paranoid, you know that several people would want you dead. either way, you are willing to do whatever it takes for power.
right hand man
right hand man
You are the right hand man! you are sometimes called the mafiaso. Some of your kind are ambitious, and are willing to betray the boss to get his place. The rest of you would lay down your life for him. Some of you may actually be the man making all the decisions behind the scenes, and only tollerate the boss to stay out of the spot light. They can kill him, not you. Although, sometimes you are his personal bodyguard. you stick with your boss everywhere, making sure he's safe. in the end, it you the boss comes to for advise.
Corrupt politician
Corrupt politician
You are a corrupt politician! This isn't necessarily bad, it just means you either have people owing you favors, or you owing them favors. People have described you as charming. You might not even be a politician. This extends all the way to Cops with they're hands in the muck trying to make contracts. Be carful you don't owe to many people favors, as it could backfire on you. And make sure your names out of the picture. If the press gets a hold of it, your a goner!
You are the Muscle! Not to be confused with the freelance hired assassin. You tend to be a regular employee rather than freelance, this way you have a constant supply of money. you have been described as intimidating, but also somewhat reliant. You tend to be loyal, and you have no trouble taking orders from those who you know are smarter than you. You don't work well alone, or with a large group, more like a small band of trusted friends for you. Be sure to watch out for how much trouble your boss brings you into. You tend to be fiercely loyal, and are willing to take a bullet for your boss. Although, maybe this is from your ability to take more bullets than the boss that allows you to do this...
Hired Assassin
Hired Assassin
You are a hired assassin! You tend to be a freelance killer, and you consider yourself above the standard muscle man. You are expensive to hire, but those who can pay will have your unswerving loyalty. You prefer the silent approach to taking down your targets, nothing with big publicity. You tend to have a cold, almost mechanical outlook on the job. A paycheck is a paycheck, no matter what its for. You tend to have an analytical look at life, and you are willing to do anything for those who can pay the right prices.
Your a snitch! as a child you always told on your siblings, and your parents always turned to you. You probably had a rocky relationship with your siblings, but your parents protected you. However, that isn't going to be so easy out in the underworld. Make sure you always have something to trade. Make sure your info is always relevant. You tend to do whatever it takes to survive, and you don't like your name to be out there. People typically hate you, and theyve got a reason to do so. But hey, we're all outliers here, its every man for himself!
You are the Hacker! you deal in the victimless crime sector, and you like to stay out of the action by playing behind the scenes. You probably have a high IQ, and am smart in many ways. You have a very set view on how information should be treated, "Everyone deserves to know everything! no more secrets!" But be sure to consider some of the following questions, "Would this be considered snitching?" "Will this information hurt others in the wrong hands?" and "Could this be traced back to me, and bite me in the butt later?" You don't like to hurt others directly, just drain they're bank accounts. they'll live.
You are a Monkey! A.K.A the cat burglar. You are the one they send to get to places that are hard to reach undetected. You are a classic thief. You are a master pickpocket, and as a child, you were probably a tree climber. Be sure to go in and out undetected, and don't be greedy. if you only get so much of a share, stick to that amount, or else the muscle might just decide that they don't need you.