Which Form of Exercise is Best for You?
Which Form of Exercise is Best for You?
For most people, the word 'exercise' is accompanied by images of either going to the gym, or running. However, there are several forms of exercise that offer loads of physical and mental health benefits and can be super fun too!
For most people, the word 'exercise' is accompanied by images of either going to the gym, or running. However, there are several forms of exercise that offer loads of physical and mental health benefits and can be super fun too!
What is your weight aim?
Are you willing to spend money on exercise?
Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
What level of intensity do you want when exercising?
What's your diet like?
Assuming that each workout lasts 30mins-1hr including warm up and cool down, how often are you willing to exercise?
What do you want most out of exercise?
What's your current level of fitness?
How self-motivated are you to exercise?
Water Sports
Water Sports
You should try water sports!
Water sports include swimming, waterpolo, rowing, underwater hockey, aqua aerobics, deep-water diving and more.
Water sports will burn a heap of calories as well as being the best all round muscle workout you can get! This is a great way of losing weight, maintaining your weight or altering your body shape and will leave you with a great level of fitness!
Watersports can be done alone or as part of a team. Being in the water is also a great way of taking time out as you can leave all of your stress behind you on land!
Watersports should be done for a min of 20mins at least three times per week.
You should try cardio!
Cardio exercises include running, swimming, cycling, jump rope, cross training and more.
Cardio workouts are the best workouts for burning all-round body fat and so if you're trying to lose weight and burn calories, this is the workout for you! Cardio workouts are rather intense but that's what makes them so effective.
Cardio can be done alone or with others e.g. if you choose running, you can go for a run alone, join a gym or join a cross country team! If you have a big appetite, or just want to really increase your fitness, cardio is best for you.
Cardio workouts should be done for a minimum of 20mins at least 3 times a week. And give yourself at least two rest days a week to allow your muscles to recover.
You should try calisthenics!
Calisthenics include sit ups, crunches, squats, lunges, push ups and more. Have fun and put together a workout that suits you!
Calisthenics are great for toning certain areas of your body or altering your body shape. Calisthenics should be completed with light or heavy weights depending on your body goal. If you want to make your muscles leaner, you should be doing more reps with lighter weights. However, if you want to put on more muscle you should be doing less reps with heavier weights.
Calisthenics are great for feeling better about yourself, and also for helping yourself to relax and take some time out.
Calisthenic workouts should be completed for a minimum of 30mins at least 4 times per week. Give yourself at least one rest day a week to allow your muscles to recover.
Light-intensity exercises
Light-intensity exercises
You should try light-intensity exercises.
Light intensity exercises include yoga, walking, aqua jogging and more.
Light intensity exercises don't burn heaps of calories but still allow a good workout for your muscles and help to keep you at a good level of flexibility. If you don't want super difficult workouts but still want to stay active, these workouts are perfect for you! If you ever do want to step-up the intensity, go on a yoga retreat or go on a hiking trip!
Light-intensity exercises such as yoga, walking and aqua-jogging can be easily done alone or with a friend! They are also great for relieving stress. If you live a busy life and just want a workout that will allow you to take some time out, light-intensity workouts are a great idea.
Light-intensity workouts should be done for a minimum of 30mins at least 4 times per week.
Martial Arts
Martial Arts
You should try martial arts!
Martial arts include Karate, Judo, Kung-Fu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Taekwando, Tai Chi and more.
Martial arts are great for toning your muscles, increasing your flexibility, balance, movement co-ordination and self-defence skills. Martial arts offer a great workout for your muscles as well as being fun!
Martial arts are great for people who like to be with others as martial arts classes often offer a social experience as well as a chance to learn a new skill. Martial arts can also be great for achieving relaxation.
Martial arts should be completed for a minimum of 30mins at least three times a week. Give yourself at least one rest day a week to let your muscles recover!
Team sports
Team sports
You should try team sports!
Team sports include basketball, netball, football, rugby, cricket, waterpolo and more.
Team sports are a great way to stay active whilst still having a heap of fun. Team sports help to increase your movement co-ordination, fitness and activity levels.
Team sports are also great if you want to increase your social circle and make new friends. If you're not very good at motivating yourself to exercise, team sports can be great as they come with a practice and game schedule which must be stuck to as you are part of a team!
Team sports should be done according to the coaches wishes. However, team sports can sometimes only take up two days a week so feel free to get your own practice in and increase your activity levels by going down to the local basketball court or football field a couple days a week!