Things You Must Know Before Buying a Smart Lock
Things You Must Know Before Buying a Smart Lock
The new invention is smart locks for doors, these come with a new design breaking all concepts of traditional locking systems.
The new invention is smart locks for doors, these come with a new design breaking all concepts of traditional locking systems.

After the concept of connected cars here comes a new invention into the line of connected goods, the concept of "connected" here basically resembles internet connectivity. The new invention is smart locks for doors, these come with a new design breaking all concepts of traditional locking systems.
Smart locks are the key to complete security, this is a technology to make our homes safer than they are. The smart locking systems have become the new need of people as it has genuine claims with regard to security and comfort which we can definitely not compromise on.
The lock and key are way different from the traditional locks that we have as they involve technology which makes it tougher to break. These locks are said to be connected to the internet with a special sort of key which does not have a physical existence instead it is virtually there to open the door for you.
This invention is an answer to all our utility questions with regard to locks, as every human is fond of losing keys or misplacing them, this lock does not need a key to lock or unlock itself, these locks are differentiated as they use smartphones to unlock themselves with special apps. This means there is no need to sacrifice your comfort to open doors for others.
Smart locks are easy in application but there are some basics which are good to know before you use them. There are various other things that you must know before you actually use them at you home:
1. The need to have smart locks
Consider this before buying a smart lock, not everyone is in need of it. This technology has been specifically made to manage ease of the working class or the aged ones as both of them need security with comfort.
So, if you are a person who is forgetful or does not have time and you are fond of losing keys or missing out on locking doors this is for you.
If you have aged people living at your home and if they are left alone in the house you definitely need this as they might not be available to open doors for you or lock them themselves so this smart lock is an easy option for you.
2. The door and the lock
Smart locks come in a wide range with a variety of features to offer security for your home and that is the reason why it is not that easy to choose the best you need. These locks are generally meant for the one door with the sideways opening. There are some companies which manufacture custom smart locks for the doors that you have.
3. The connection and the key
You need to choose the way you want to unlock your door, whether it is an app that you want to use or a manual code or anything that you find easy and good to go with. There are various options available to you so choose wisely.
If you are still fond of the old lock key tradition you can continue with that too as that is the easiest way to open the lock when you run out of any tech stuff.
This was the key stuff now you need to see the connection to these connected devices. The smart needs to be connected to the internet and how will that be done remains to be your choice.
This depends on you whether you opt for a Wi-Fi connection or a Z-wave connection or the much simpler one the Bluetooth device which is the simplest of all.
This depends on you to choose as per your need. Wifi and Bluetooth connections are common these days however the z- wave is a much newer concept. Z wave offers you the best range to access your lock and that is 600 feet with multiple device connections and 120 feet with single device connection.
4. Variety of options
Smart lock technology is the new competitive market and as the competition is growing you get too many options to choose from. These locks come in a variety of sizes and shapes, they are different in usage and also the access routes and configuration for these are different.
When you decide the other options decide on the price option too, as the market offers you with too many prices for these smart locks ranging from 100$ TO 500$ choose wisely as per the utility of the lock.
There are options like:
August smart lock
This can be used with old deadbolt setup too that you have, this enables you to use it with an iPhone application in hand. This ranges from around 200 $USD TO 300$USD.
Kwikset Kevo
This is something very smart as its application enables you to unlock your door with a fingerprint option and that sounds so fancy and appealing at the same time. This also has the same range as of 20 to 300 US dollars. There are many other options available in the market for you to choose.
This whole technological game demands risk, traditional locks where way easy as they were less complicated with simple usage however technology has complicated stuff due to which security stands at stake as technological errors are something very common. Traditional locks were not prone to theft of keys but this connected lock gives access that can reach wrong hands.
Undoubtedly this is a risky thing but still, it is sure to provide security but only until the time you are careful to use it.
The only point of difference between the connected locks and the traditional ones is that the smart lock is made to increase and suit your comfort but it comes with a lot of risks as it involves internet, however, the traditional locks where no good to your comfort but still they gave a satisfaction that my key will remain mine and no one else has access to it which is not a definite feature in smart locks.