Haz una pizza y te diremos si eres una persona introvertida o extrovertida
Haz una pizza y te diremos si eres una persona introvertida o extrovertida
¡Adivinamos si eres un introvertido o un extrovertido!
¡Adivinamos si eres un introvertido o un extrovertido!
Elige una base
Choose a sauce:
Elige uno de estos toppings
Elige otro topping:
Choose yet another topping:
Elige uno de estos quesos
¿Cuánto tiempo estás cocinando la pizzas?
Elige un topping que espolvorear
La pizza ha hablado eres extrovertido
La pizza ha hablado eres extrovertido
You are a bonified extrovert if we knew any better! Your choice of toppings and cooking time has shown that you prefer to be around people and gain the majority of your energy through discussing and socializing with others.
La pizza ha hablado eres introvertido
La pizza ha hablado eres introvertido
You are a cool, calm, collected introvert. Your choice of cheese and pizza shape has determined that you recharge your batteries by spending time by yourself, reading, writing, day dreaming, whatever it is that keeps your imagination active!