Can You Guess How Fast These African Animals Run?

See how much you know about these African speedsters!

Created by AFKTravel (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 1, 2015
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Do you know how fast a lion can run?

2 / 10

The ostrich can't fly, but can reach incredible speeds on the ground for a bird. How fast can it go?

3 / 10

The giant tortoise might be slightly faster than you think! (Or maybe its not.)

4 / 10

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, but do you know how fast it is?

5 / 10

Although elephants are huge, they can max out at a high top speed. What is it?

6 / 10

While giraffes look clumsy, they can actually reach a high top speed. How fast can they go?

7 / 10

Hippos can weigh over 3,000 pounds, but can reach this incredible top speed. Think of the force they create!

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You might already know that the zebra is pretty swift, but just how fast can it run?

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Wildebeest travel in herds of thousands, but just how fast can they go?

10 / 10

While you might think of them swinging in trees, chimpanzees can reach a high top speed on the ground. What is it?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021