How Much Do You Know About African Hippos?

Test your knowledge and see how much you know about these giant beasts!

Created by AFKTravel (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Feb 16, 2016
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You can tell how old a hippo is by looking at its teeth. About how long can hippos live for?

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This one might surprise you. What are hippos' closest living relatives?

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Hippos consume a lot of food, but how long can they go without eating?

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How long can an adult male hippo hold its breath underwater for?

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Hippos are some of the largest animals in Africa. How much can a male hippo weigh?

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Hippos can be extremely loud. How many decibels can their voices reach?

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Hippos are on the IUCN Red List. How many of them are left in Africa?

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Hippos are social animals and like to hang out in large groups called pods. How large have these groups been known to get?

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There's a reason a popular game is called 'Hungry Hungry Hippos.' How many pounds of grass does a hippo usually eat each night?

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Even though they are huge, hippos are by no means slow. How fast can they run?

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