How much do you know about Ghana?
How much do you know about Ghana?
Test your knowledge and see how much you know about Ghana!
Test your knowledge and see how much you know about Ghana!
Ghana is home to the oldest European building in sub-Saharan Africa. What is the name of it?
Ghana is home to the largest man-made lake in the world. Can you name it?
What is the capital and largest city in Ghana?
People in Ghana practice several different religions. Which one is the most popular?
What was the name of Ghana before it gained independence in 1957?
People in Ghana speak many different languages. What is the official language of the country?
This tribe is the largest in Ghana and numbers around one million members.
Ghana is home to the largest open air market in west Africa. What is the name of it?
What is the original meaning of the word 'Ghana'?
Ghana has many different ethnic groups living within the country. How many are there?