What Fairy Tail Magic Might You Have?
What Fairy Tail Magic Might You Have?
What magic from the Fairy Tail anime/manga might suit you?
What magic from the Fairy Tail anime/manga might suit you?

Which option describes you the best?
Where would you rather be?
If you could, would you be someone else for a little bit?
Do you like books?
Do you like being alone?
Do you like making stuff?
Do you like being prepared?
Do you have many friends?
Do you like breaking stuff?
Let fate decide...
Slayer Magic
Slayer Magic
Slayer Magic is a type of Caster Magic. So far, the 3 types of Slayer Magics are God Slayer (Flame, Sky and Lightning), Dragon Slayer (Fire, Sky, Iron, Lightning, Poison, Shadow, White) and Devil Slayer (Ice). Some users of Slayer Magic are Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Sherria and Gray.
God Slayer Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/God_Slayer_Magic
Dragon Slayer Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer_Magic
Devil Slayer Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Devil_Slayer_Magic
Crash Magic
Crash Magic
Crash Magic is a very advanced type of Caster Magic which gives the user the ability to smash everything they come into contact with. If the user is unfocused, they may destroy objects such as houses unintentionally. Gildars Clive uses Crash Magic.
Crash Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Crash
Celestial Spirit Magic
Celestial Spirit Magic
Celestial Spirit Magic is a type of Holder Magic in which the user summons Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the rarer Gold Keys. Some users of this Magic are Lucy, Angel and Yukino.
Celestial Spirit Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Celestial_Spirit_Magic
Requip Magic
Requip Magic
Requip Magic is a type of Caster Magic that allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or for combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing. More skilled users are able to Requip different weapons in battle, and it is even possible to Requip armors in the midst of battle, although the only Mages to ever do this are Erza Scarlet and Coordinator. There are two styles of Requip Magic: The Knight and The Gunner. Some users of Requip Magic are Erza, BIsca and Brain.
Requip Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Requip
Molding Magic
Molding Magic
Molding Magic is a type of Caster Magic that allows the user to mold or create something by concentrating their Magic Power into their hands, like an element, into different shapes or forms. Molding Magic has been described as an "unrestrained" type of Magic, with the shapes created reflecting the personality of the user. There are 3 styles of Molding Magic: Ice Make, Wood Make, and Memory Make. Some users of Molding Magic are Gray, Laki and Rufus.
Molding Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Molding_Magic
Black Arts
Black Arts
The Black Arts are forms of Forbidden Magic that have the capacity to manipulate life. Not much is known about them, but it is said that a wizard using the Black Arts can bring forth calamity. Zeref has been said to have used the Black Arts in order to make the world a dark place for years. The 5 known types of Black Arts are Ankhseram Black Magic, LIving Magic, Ushi no Koku Mairi, Virus and Clone Magic. Some users of The Black Arts are Zeref, Hades and Kain.
Letter Magic
Letter Magic
Letter Magic is either a Caster Magic or a Holder Magic, depending on its means of employment. Letter Magic utilizes the words written by the user, with the effect varying depending on whats written, or how it's manipulated. In addition to their hand, users can utilize other objects to write the letters. The letters can be written on different surfaces or in the air. Currently, there are five known types of Letter Magic: Writing Magic, Solid Script, Jutsu Shiki, Dark Écriture, and Orient Solid Script. Some users of Letter Magic are Freed, Levy and Yomazu.
Letter Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Letter_Magic
Transformation Magic
Transformation Magic
Transformation Magic is a type of Caster Magic that allows its Caster to change his or her appearance. While this Magic is a deep and complex art, basic Transformation Magic is relatively easy for Mages to learn. High-level Mages, such as Mirajane, are capable of performing this Magic easily in all of its levels. People from Edolas can also use Complete Transformation Box that contains Transformation Magic. There are three levels of Transformation Magic:
Basic Level: This level allows a Caster to change his or her outward appearance into that of another person. However, it doesn't allow the Caster to change clothes. The more a Mage knows about this level, the easier it is to perform.
Intermediate Level: Aside from its similarities to the basic level, this level of transformation is used by Mages to change their clothes and voice. The changing of clothes is different when compared to Requip.
Advanced Level: Apart from changing appearance and voice, the Caster can acquire all additional physical features such as wings or gills, and can even change size. According to Mirajane, this level is very useful in combat. This bears a resemblance to Lisanna's Take Over, but is different.
Transformation Magic: http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation