Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert or Extrovert?
Ever wondered how great life would be if the world was just you? Or do you love greeting everyone you meet in the morning (even people you don't know that well) with a hug? well If you ever wanted to find out whether you were an introvert or extrovert this quiz is for you.
Ever wondered how great life would be if the world was just you? Or do you love greeting everyone you meet in the morning (even people you don't know that well) with a hug? well If you ever wanted to find out whether you were an introvert or extrovert this quiz is for you.

Which one do you think you're more like? Cat, or Dog?
Where can you see yourself at a party?
Which season best suits you?
If you had to choose a colour that represents you which would you pick?
You're mom and dad tell you " You're getting a baby sister/brother!!" you respond with:
Your mindset on "HUMANS" is:
O.k now what are your thought's on you having a significant other?
what do you think when you hear change?
How do you feel about people who think it's ok to grab you're fries or chips.
You have 10 apples, you're friend takes away 5, how many apples do you now have?
Final question. You're in line for a ride at an amusement park, and the person in charge of the ride makes you sit with some random person. How do you act on the ride?
You are an extrovert. You basically love loud places, action, the spot light, people in general and moving around. You hate claustrophobic areas, having to stay in one spot, being told to be quiet and you absolutely hate being alone. You greet other extroverts in such a way and JUST LOVVVE getting under introverts skin, just messing around and having fun with them. which is exactly why extroverts and introverts were destined to be the closest of friends.
You are an introvert, you basically dislike being around people, hide your feelings, and hate having to be in any situation where people have to hear your opinion. You love quiet small secure places, chilling with a book or a device and you love sleeping or just relaxing in a fixed area. introverts are mainly shy, don't like going outside unless it's only populated by creatures other than humans, not good with change and enjoy being alone. Even being an obvious opposite introverts and extroverts usually end up being the best of friends for life because even though introverts dislike the loudness and moving around they like a good laugh every once in a while, someone to cheer them up and someone to get them to go beyond their limits.
You, are an Ambivert. You are not and extrovert nor are you an introvert, YOU'RE BOTH! At different times for different reasons. You might wanna just run around sharing you're thoughts with the world now, but later you're tired and you need some alone time. You basically like different things at different times, for different reasons, but you're okay with it all.... so long as you have you're moment to breathe, think everything through and have some time away from people as well as some time with them! You're a talker but you need to recharge other wise you can't function. If you were in a friendship you would be the glue holding you're introvert best friend and you're extrovert best friend together.