Which Teen Wolf Male Character Are You

Stiles, Scott, Derek

️Aish Sykes
Created by ️Aish Sykes (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 12, 2016

When it's Friday, what do u do?

Pic A Gif on how u feel about school

If you're best friend was taken you would..

Quick!! Someone turned into a kanima, what are you gonna do?!

Chose a genre of music



You got Stiles!! Although you have inner insecurities and problems in your life, you are able to get passed because you have a great best friend and supporting parent(s)/ guardian(s). Don't forget to seek help when you need to because you bring off a funny, quirky, and lovable vibe everyone loves!!



You got Scott!! You are brave and responsible. Although you may have a lot in your hands, you know you can handle it as long as your friends and family has your back. You are also the alpha in your friend group. Even if you don't know what you're doing, you still follow your heart and instincts. Don't think you can't do something because if you work hard enough and believe, you CAN do it!!



You got Derek!! You are either headstrong or physically strong. You aren't afraid to just go for something. when you want it, you take it. ur heart is full of flame and have confidence

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