Which Braxton Are You?

Bring it like a Braxton.

Aj's the best
Created by Aj's the best (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Where would you live?

What outfit is the coolest?

Choose an artist to see live:

Choose some hair!

How do you usually feel? (negatively speaking)

Pick a type of soul food:

Pick a type of alcohol

Choose a slang word/phrase!



You are the big sister. And also the leader. You're a calm person and that's why people follow your calm nature.



Wherever the drinks are, that's where you are. You like to have fun but can be to wild.



Responsible is a word to describe you. Even though you can spill the tea about some things people still consider you loyal.



You are a STAR. Even as a little kid you knew you deserved better. Everyone tells you that you're a diva but you just tell them to GET A LIFE!



You are the humble one trying to make it on your own. Now that you're out of your sisters shadow, you're on a radio show and doing well.



The boss. You're a kind person when people don't piss you off. If they try you, you'll slap the piss outta them.

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On Nov 18, 2021