Which Character From The Selection Are You?
Which Character From The Selection Are You?
Which one are you?
Which one are you?

Pick a job
Pick a place
QUICK pick a color?!
Pick a flavor
What is your hair color?
Pick a word
Lastly, black or white?
Celeste Newsome
Celeste Newsome
Because of Celeste's arrogance and sense of superiority over the lower caste competitors like America Singer and Marlee Tames, none of the competitors really liked her. Celeste was intimidating to the other girls because she was too confident and knew how to use her beauty when it came to men.
Marlee Tames
Marlee Tames
Marlee is very kind and genuinely nice. Because of her kindness, she was the public's favorite and wanted as princess. However, once she was caught having an affair with one of the guards, Marlee lost the public's interest and was kicked out of the Selection. She quickly became America's best friend and they spent a lot of time together while she was in the Selection. Although in the beginning they kept some secrets from each other, later they become the confidantes of each other, talking briefly even about their wedding night. Always happy and positive, she very rarely gets sad or upset and dislikes quarrels. Even during her caning and life as a kitchen maid, she retained her dignity and devotion for Carter.
Kriss Ambers
Kriss Ambers
Kriss seemed to be kind and not as manipulative as Celeste was. She was described as being ladylike. Being a Three, Kriss came from a smart family and is intelligent. Her parents are professors. Before the Selection, Kriss would spend her time reading and learning how to become a teacher. While being polite the majority of the time, Kriss has been shown to get jealous and become defensive- both times when Maxon was involved and she felt threatened by America.
Elise Whisks
Elise Whisks
While seeming very elegant and mature, Maxon confided in America that Elise agreed with everything he said. Maxon tried to contradict her, but she conceded the point. She values honoring her family greatly, citing it as the reason why she wants to win the Selection. Elise was very reserved in The Selection, and, while still reserved in The One, opened up a lot more to the other girls. She is very loyal to her family. She values her culture and heritage
America Singer
America Singer
Like her fiery red hair, America takes a rebellious attitude in concept. She tends to have a short temper, which she inherited from her mother. Despite saying she has no leadership skills, America isn't afraid to speak her mind. For example, when the palace was under rebel attack by the Southerners in The Selection, Silvia ordered America's maids to bring food to the Selected. America, however, told her that the girls can take care of themselves, and ordered Anne to provide food for the royal family only.
She is very stubborn and persistent at times, and may jump to conclusions a lot. She can also be hypocritical, but always apologizes if she is proven wrong. America's greatest fear when entering the Selection was losing her individuality, something the other Selected girls would even give up to take over the throne. Overall, America is a very courageous person that, at the end of the day, will always realize the mistakes she might have caused and will do anything to make things right. She is always afraid of losing someone she loves.
Eadlyn Schreave
Eadlyn Schreave
Eadlyn's personality is quite complicated. She is revealed to be very stubborn, headstrong and focused, determined to fulfill her duties as the future queen. Her stubbornness is very similar to her mother's when she was in the Selection. Eadlyn is also just as headstrong and determined as America, but is hard-working like her father, Maxon. Due to her endless efforts to be 'the perfect future queen' and being spoiled, she is also very self-centered, unable to understand the feelings of others around her easily and to empathize. She can also be bossy and at some times even condescending as she looks down upon some people below her. It is implied that she is also a perfectionist, always wanting her appearance and everything/everyone around her to be perfect too. Eadlyn herself admits that "I’m not as good at showing my emotions as other girls, so it comes across like I don’t care, even when I do. I like to keep things to myself. It looks bad, I know, but it’s real."