Are You Going To Heaven, Hell Or Purgatory?
Are You Going To Heaven, Hell Or Purgatory?
Where does your true fate lie?
Where does your true fate lie?

Pick a guardian angel:
You find a wallet on the ground, what do you do?
What's your opinion on organized religion?
What do you think is the best reason to send someone to hell?
Pick a fruit:
Have you ever stolen something from a store?
Which of these cartoon characters do you resonate with?
A homeless person asks you for a quarter, what do you do?
You are going to...Heaven
You are going to...Heaven
Yay! You're a do-gooder through and through/ You're not just "acting" like you're a good person, you really, truly are. You have nothing to worry about come judgement day.
You are going to...Hell
You are going to...Hell
Hat to break it to ya, but you're going to the bad place below. You'd better check yourself before you wreck yourself. It's not too late to change!
You are going to...Purgatory
You are going to...Purgatory
You're gonna go to that middle place to figure some things out, to learn some lessons and maybe reincarnate and try again. It's ok, you'll figure it out eventually.