Is Your Soul Synced Up With The Lunar Cycle? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Is Your Soul Synced Up With The Lunar Cycle? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Some of us are deeply connected to the moon. Are you one of those people. If you're the type of person who's easy to cry or tend to go up and down with your emotions, your soul might be connected to the lunar cycle! Take this quiz and find out once and for all.
Some of us are deeply connected to the moon. Are you one of those people. If you're the type of person who's easy to cry or tend to go up and down with your emotions, your soul might be connected to the lunar cycle! Take this quiz and find out once and for all.

Would you consider yourself to be a "highly sensitive person"?
Are you currently in a committed relationship?
Do you prefer showers or baths?
Would you describe yourself as having more masculine, or feminine energy?
Your period:
Do you get stressed easily?
How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
Are you flexible in most situations? Is it easy for you to go with the flow?
Yes! Your soul is synced to the lunar cycle
Yes! Your soul is synced to the lunar cycle
You're deeply connected with the lunar cycle. You tend to be very sensitive and "in-touch" with the ebb and flow of your own emotions.
No, your soul is NOT synced to the lunar cycle
No, your soul is NOT synced to the lunar cycle
You're not connected to the moon. Which is probably a good thing! Go live your own life!