What Is Your MBTI Temperament Based On Your Opinion Of These Harry Potter Creatures?
What Is Your MBTI Temperament Based On Your Opinion Of These Harry Potter Creatures?
Does the way you relate to the mythological creatures of the Harry Potter universe reflect your Myers-Briggs temperament? Find out now!
Does the way you relate to the mythological creatures of the Harry Potter universe reflect your Myers-Briggs temperament? Find out now!
![Alana Garcia](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/01276c5b-a20a-4022-8cd7-1004bd213477.jpg)
Pick a beast to battle:
Pick a feathered friend to protect you:
Pick a humanoid sidekick:
Pick a mystical creature to give you life advice:
Pick an animal companion:
Pick a non-physical being to teach you a lesson:
Pick a Boggart Form:
Your temperament is...NF AKA "The Idealists"
Your temperament is...NF AKA "The Idealists"
You share the same temperament as Luna Lovegood, Dumbledore, Sybil Trelawney and Professor Lupin. You consider yourself an idealist and tend to act through only the best of intentions. You are generally kind, sensitive and have a lot of wisdom to offer the world.
Your temperament is...NT AKA "The Rationals"
Your temperament is...NT AKA "The Rationals"
You share the same temperament as Snape, Hermione, the Weasley Twins and Professor McGonagall. You tend to value logic and ideas over emotions. You lead with your head most of the time and are a master at problem solving.
Your temperament is...SP AKA "The Artisans"
Your temperament is...SP AKA "The Artisans"
You share the same temperament as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Cedric Diegory and Hagrid. You're a bit of an adrenaline junkie who tends to act without thinking. You can be really creative in the moment and likes to take things as they come.
Your temperament is...SJ AKA "The Guardians"
Your temperament is...SJ AKA "The Guardians"
You share the same temperament as Professor Umbridge, Fleur Delacour, Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom. You love rules and find the most enjoyment out of life when you follow them. You're great at organization and keep a professional demeanour.