Which Famous Historical Figure Were You In A Past Life?
Which Famous Historical Figure Were You In A Past Life?
Because not everyone can be Cleopatra...
Because not everyone can be Cleopatra...

Which quote do you resonate with the most?
Which mode of transportation do you take to cross the ocean?
You sign all of your letters with a:
If you ruled the world, what's the first thing you would change?
Pick a chair to sit in:
The person walking in front of you drops a 20 dollar bill, you:
What was your best subject in school?
What would you prefer as a pet?
You were...Cleopatra
You were...Cleopatra
A lot of people THINK they were Cleopatra, but you actually ARE! You are all abut the finer things in life, you think you deserve royal treatment and it's no wonder considering you were an Egyptian queen!
You were...Alexander Hamilton
You were...Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton was the first Secretary of Treasury he founded the monetary system, the national coast guard and The New York Post Magazine. He's also the subject of the most popular broadway musical of our time! You are charismatic and feisty as heck. You're all about taking ACTION and maybe busting some hip hop moves while you're at it.
You were...Jesus
You were...Jesus
I know this is CRAZY, but you were Jesus in a past life. This explains why you understand the human condition so deeply and also why you're weirdly good at magic tricks.
You were...Rosa Parks
You were...Rosa Parks
All of those posts and articles you're sharing on Facebook about human rights are all starting to make sense now. You were Rosa Parks in a past life so you're always quick to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.