What Does Your Friends Think About You?

Take the test to find out!

Alberte Poulsen
Created by Alberte Poulsen(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

If somebody ask u "Hello" what do you say?

Were do you want to live?

Whats your favorit number?

What's your favourit disney princess?

For girls: Pick an outfit:

For guys: Pick an outfit:

What letter does your name start with?

The Shy One.

The Shy One.

Your quiet, but you are good to show youre feelings, always happy, but very shy.

The Hyper One!

The Hyper One!

Your the hyper one! You always want to do something! U love traveling!

The Funny One!

The Funny One!

Jokes, Jokes, and Jokes everywere! No matter what, you always have fun! Your so happy and no one can change it!

The Sarcastic One!

The Sarcastic One!

If somebody insults you, you dont care at all! You answer with sarcasm all the time! But you love your family with all of your heart!

The "i don't care" One!

The "i don't care" One!

You dont take things seriously many times. Your happy and pretty but u dont really care.

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On Nov 18, 2021