What type of pony are you? (MLP)
What type of pony are you? (MLP)
Have you ever wondered what type of pony you would be? Now you can find out!
Have you ever wondered what type of pony you would be? Now you can find out!

Where would you like to live?
How important is family to you?
Would you give your life to save someone?
Pick a quality you think you have
Best color palette?
What's your biggest fear?
Favorite food?
Dream job?
What kind of songs would be found on your playlist?
How would you react if someone insulted you?
Do you care about what other people think about you?
In a group you are...
What element?
Pick an instrument
How does this picture make you feel?
Which is your greater strength?
Who is your favorite of the mane six?
How many friends do you have?
Preferred pet?
What do you think you are?
Earth pony
Earth pony
You are a practical earth pony!
Earth ponies are no strangers to hard work, taking on some of the most difficult tasks. Most earth ponies are very family and friends orientated, making sure they have enough extra time to spend with their loved ones.
Earth ponies are good with the earth, and love to be outdoors. Outside is where they feel most connected to their world and are able to tell where the earth is most fertile. In addition they are also able to grow things without much effort, a result of their earth connection. This connection extends to different minerals in the earth such as types of rocks.
Earth ponies love food, and are very good at making it. Although, cooking isn't for everypony.
Earth ponies are usually pretty strong physically, their stronger bodies coming in handy in work areas of hard labor.
Earth ponies are generally very straightforward, kind by heart, displaying strong loyalty toward the ones they love. They are often described as selfless and trustworthy, although not every earth pony falls under these categories.
Earth ponies are sometimes underestimated by their fellow ponies, since they do not have any clear 'powers'. They are often called ordinary, which doesn't faze them in the least. Earth ponies are proud of who they are and don't care about what others think of them.
You are a brave Pegasus!
Pegasus ponies don't like being tied down, they'd rather float around from place to place, always searching for action. Pegasus ponies love the thrill of adventure and are often the trouble making type. Of course, this does not extend to all Pegasi.
Flight is something all Pegasi love, and they are very good at it. They are often very fast, not only in the air, but on the ground as well. Most of them are very aware of this, though they don't like showing off, there are a certain few who love to flaunt their talents and have created an arrogant stereotype for their race.
Pegasi are very passionate about their interests and will have big dreams they wish to accomplish. However they often get distracted and fall short of their goals. They are very persistent though and will pick up right where they left off once the idea crosses their mind once again.
Freedom is important to most Pegasus ponies and so they are often alone which can lead to loneliness. They are often described as being brave, reckless, passionate, arrogant, athletic, caring and inspiring.
You are an elegant Unicorn!
Unicorns are often very smart, using their knowledge to help benefit the word around them. They love to help others out, but they also like to indulge themselves. Unicorns are usually in higher paying jobs, their people skills and smarts helping them to the top.
Unicorns love to impress and will go out of their way to make themselves noticeable. This of course extends to those around them, coaxing the shyer of ponies to try something completely new. But Unicorns are very self conscious and judge themselves very harshly. They are natural actors and life is their stage. Anything can become a drama, and they are often very emotional.
They are talkative, if only around their friends, and will go on about something that they love. They keep their friends very close and rarely have more than one group.
Unicorns love collecting things and will surround themselves with stuff, which could be expensive jewelry or something sentimental.
Unicorns magic ability varies from each unicorn, but it can be very strong.
The world is always full of hope to a Unicorn and they believe that anything is possible.
You are a royal alicorn!
Alicorns are often very graceful in their movements as well as speech. They are trustworthy, brave, selfless and generous. They are natural leaders, who take charge with compassion and consideration toward everyone. They are humble, not liking the spotlight, but stepping up to take it anyways. They always are looking to the future, making decisions that will change the world. Alicorns often doubt themselves, wondering if they are really important. They have many friends who look up to them and they are always there with a comforting word or two.
Alicorns are very intelligent and solve problems quickly and efficiently. Their magic is stronger than most others but this does not make them stuck up.