Which Picture of Donald Trump Best Fits Your Personality?
Which Picture of Donald Trump Best Fits Your Personality?
In case you ever had any doubts this quiz will completely confirm which photo of Donald Trump matches you as a person.
In case you ever had any doubts this quiz will completely confirm which photo of Donald Trump matches you as a person.
Are you poor or rich?
Are you/your family from the U.S.?
Is your hair in it's natural state?
True or False: Trump would be a good president
His hair. Would you touch it?
Is finding your daughter attractive okay?
Life's Good Trump
Life's Good Trump
Everything's going your way. Life is good.
(*ps: you are probably in denial. Seek HELP. )
(** note: denial is NOT a river in Africa. )
Frequently Pissed-Off Trump
Frequently Pissed-Off Trump
Everything anyone says just sends you off the rails. How dare anyone have opinions and hardships that (are completely real) undo any point you say?!? GRRRRRRRRR ANGER.
Letting One Loose In Public Trump
Letting One Loose In Public Trump
Maybe you shouldn't have had tacos for breakfast. Once you let it out, it won't go back in, buddy.
Twenty-Foot Wang Trump
Twenty-Foot Wang Trump
"CHINA"- Trump
Stepped On A Leggo Trump
Stepped On A Leggo Trump
You are filled with regret.
"I've said something offensive to you all but I have no idea what it was" Trump
"I've said something offensive to you all but I have no idea what it was" Trump
"Seriously I don't see how my talking about your mother is offensive! I HAVE MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"