Which Riverdale Character are you most like?

Jughead, Archie, Cheryl, Betty, or Veronica

Alessandra Hollyfield
Created by Alessandra Hollyfield (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 7, 2017

What do you do in your free time?

Who are you at school?

What is your dream house?

Favorite Color



You are a very nice person but you are kind of a loner. You love to write and you have your close friends.



You are the head of the football team and you are very popular. Your friends are one of the most important things to you.



You are captain of the cheerleading squad. You are a very nice person on the inside, but you lash out a lot. You have your few people who really understand you.



On the outside, you are a perfect, smart girl who does what everybody tells them to do. You are kind of like that on the inside but you have a dark side. A very dark side. You are very emberassed about it. Your dark side only comes out when someone does something or threatens your family.



You used to be a total rich bitch but you changed your ways and now you are nice. You saw the error of your ways and changed.

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