What power would you have?

Ok, let's face it. We've all (or at least most of us) wanted a superpower somewhere along our life. But let's say you got your power. Truth be told, you wouldn't get to pick what it is. So, based on your personality traits and decisions in intense situations, this quiz will help you identify what type of power you would most likely have.

This is my first quiz, hope you like it!

Alexandra Akimova
Created by Alexandra Akimova (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 4, 2015

You're off for the day. What are you doing?

Pick the best place to live, according to you.

You see a young child crying. What do you do?

Which weapon would you fight with?

Pick your greatest weakness.

What's your favorite thing to eat?

Finally, what's one word that your friends think would sum you up?



You would have the ability to control one of the four elements, fire, air, water, and earth! Which one is a bit of a draw, but that's the fun, right?
Here's a bit of info on each element:

Fire: You're hot and fiery! You have the power to manipulate the flames of virtually any type of fire, or any size down to the dimming ashes, or the inferno of forest fire, you rule them all!

Water: Do you find yourself having a "Go with the flow" -type attitude? You have the ability to control water, even frozen water. Welcome to the Atlantis, new ruler.

Earth: You are strong, in more ways than one. Your ability is to manipulate the stone, rocks, soil, metal, ores, anything that's inorganic and wasn't made by man's hand. You must be the prince/princess of nature.

Air: A very spiritual element. you would have the ability to control the air around you, making tornadoes, strong winds, etc. you might even be able to fly.

Being an elemental, there is the one thing you have to remember: No element is better than the rest. They balance each other out.

Mind powers

Mind powers

You would have the ability to think through your problems or use your brain as your weapon. Before you write this off as a lame power, remember what this category includes. Telepathy (read and manipulate minds), telekinesis (move objects with your mind), prediction (ability to see the future), or maybe even a combination. Most people with mind powers may look weak, (for example, Prof. X from X-men, who's in a wheelchair) but you shouldn't ever judge a book by its cover.



Your powers would be the physical, and you'd be an enhanced human. Now, whether that was natural, or you were given your powers (most likely), is up for you to decide. The enhanced powers are superhuman strength, speed, agility, etc. Unknown to most people, though, super senses also fall under enhanced powers. Use your power wisely.



Mutants. The first thing that probably comes to your mind is X-Men, but mutants don't have to be naturally occurring. Mutants have the widest range of powers, and there's not an easy way to say which you would have. Mutants that aren't natural, usually are created by some sort of chemical substance, or radiation (or radioactive animals). Either way, mutants have very different powers, a few being regeneration, weather control, ice and fire powers (which at that point they'd be an elemental), and shape shifting. Whichever power you'd get is random, but you'd need to learn control and one day, you'd most likely be amazing.

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