13 Times Josh Hutcherson Brought Peeta Mellark To Life Perfectly
13 Times Josh Hutcherson Brought Peeta Mellark To Life Perfectly
Alright, sometimes the movies didn't do the Boy with the Bread justice, but there were some moments where the book character truly shone through.
Alright, sometimes the movies didn't do the Boy with the Bread justice, but there were some moments where the book character truly shone through.

Hutcherson had the emotions towards Katniss 100% figured out when it came to unspoken indications. Who can't believe he's enamored with the girl he's looking at here?
Didn't hurt matters any that he was so close to Jennifer Lawrence and became all but inseparable with the actress throughout the filming.
The slip in positive expressions when at a Capital party really helped solidify Peeta in the Snow-opposition camp. It also gives another reason he and Katniss really do have a lot in common when it's all boiled down.
It is the perfect response to being given a vomit-inducing drink solely to be able to drink more.
This was the sign of the optimist. Even in an arena he didn't expect to escape, he was able to find a small bit of joy in the tiniest of acts - like Katniss' pleased reaction to a present (a pearl) from him.
Also gotten from this tiny smile: his face actively lights up around Lawrence. Impressively so.
Continuing the saga of Healing Peeta...and the proving that Josh Hutcherson is a hell of an actor. This combined with the later conversation with Katniss along this same vein is amazing.
Friendly reminder that Peeta didn't remember his own favorite color but was able to recall Katniss'. It's fine. Everything's fine.
It's alright, guys. We'll end on a happy note. The chemistry between Hutcherson and Lawrence was almost always perfect, including in this scene that made a lot of the trauma of Mockingjay Part 1 worth it.
And made book lovers squeal in theaters. But we'll never admit to it. At least out loud.
Do you have a favorite Peeta moment you wish you had seen in the movies? Let us know in the comments below!